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Role Play Competition


The Northeast Intercollegiate Sales Competition is a tournament-style competition that includes a role-play first-round, semifinals, and a final round. Contestants are evaluated on their approach and rapport, needs identification, presentation, handling of objections, closing, and communications skills.

In each round, individual competitors will role-play a 10-minute sales meeting with a fictional company. Representatives from our Corporate Sponsors act as the buyers, prospects of the students’ sales pitch, and judges during the role play. Competitors’ goals range from getting a second appointment to making the sale. However, the focus of the competition is on the demonstration of sales skills rather than the outcome of the call. Six students from each participating college or university are invited to compete.

Training Information

  1. Thoroughly review the case materials and judging criteria for the competition
  2. Must check-in 20 minutes prior to their scheduled role-play time (see schedule for check in station location)
  3. You will be instructed on when to leave the check in station and head to the room for your sales meeting. A room moderator will tell you it is time to go in.
  4. Your time begins when you enter the room and the buyer starts the meeting.
  5. You will have 10 minutes for your sales meeting.
  6. You will be informed when you have approximately 1 minute left.
  7. A moderator will announce when your time is up. Anything that you say after your time is up is not counted in the scoring. Be sure to watch your time so that you get the close before the allotted time is up.
  8. You will be given one minute of feedback from the judges.
  9. A moderator will let you know when the minute is up.
Buyers and Judges
  1. Must review the case materials and judging instructions prior to the competition
  2. Must attend the judges training on Friday afternoon prior to the first round.
  3. Must check-in 20 minutes prior to your scheduled round (see schedule for check in station location)
  4. Upon entering the room write the student’s name and school on the score sheet.
  5. Stay in the competition room until the end of the round. It is important that the entire competition run on time as scheduled.
  6. Please provide one-minute of thoughtful, constructive feedback to each competitor after their round as a room.
  7. To ensure fair scoring we ask that judges do not discuss the competitor’s performance after the round. You should be scoring based on your individual, professional opinion of his or her sales skills as outlined on the scoring sheet.
  8. Please give the competition your full attention. Schedule calls and other matters for times outside of your scheduled judging/buying times.

Speed Sell Competition


You are pitching to a company representative why they should hire you to be part of their company. Begin your pitch with an introduction and then list off 2-3 adjectives to describe yourself. From there, you should back up those adjectives with meaningful experiences and examples that demonstrate each quality about yourself. Lastly, end the pitch by giving a call to action — (this can be as simple as asking for an opportunity to interview with the firm).

  1. Prepare and practice a 60-second introductory elevator pitch you will give to company representatives at the event.
  2. The pitch DOES NOT have to be tailored to the individual company. All you are doing is pitching yourself
  3. Set a time so you do not exceed 60 seconds
  4. Smile and have a good time

All students registered for NISC are scheduled to participate in the Speed Sell Competition.

Multilingual Speed Sell Competition

This competition will follow the same format as the Speed Sell Competition but performed entirely in Spanish.

Students may indicate their interest in Spanish Speed Sell during their NISC registration process.

Social Media Competition


Participate in the social media competition by following @NISC_Bryant on X / Twitter and use the hashtag #NISC_Bryant on X / Twitter, NISC on Facebook or the Bryant Sales Program on LinkedIn.

There are prizes for:

  1. Best Business Selfie
  2. Best Overall Social Media
  3. Best Group Photo
  4. Best Employer Advice

Awards and Regulations


  • Individual roleplay awards are based on an individual competitors performance
  • Team awards are based on the combined cumulative scores of the top two teammates from each school
  • Individual Speed Sell awards are based on an individual competitors performance.
  • We will choose one winner for each category of the Social Media Competition
  • We will raffle prizes at the end of the closing ceremonies for all faculty, students, and sponsors who respond to our survey. You must be present to win.
  • We will also raffle prizes during different event sessions. You must be present to win.


Six students from each participating college or university are eligible to compete in the Role-Play Competition. All students registered for NISC are expected to participate in the Speed Sell Competition. Students not competing in the Role-Play Competition are encouraged to attend and participate in the exclusive networking event, skill building sessions, leadership building sessions and other activities as attendees. If competition space becomes available, these students will have the first option to change their registration status from “attendee” to “competitor.”

All undergraduate contestants must be considered full-time collegiate students.