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Contact Us

For inquiries about NISC, please email NISC@bryant.edu.

Dr. Stefanie Boyer
Director, Northeast Intercollegiate Sales Competition
(401) 232-6475
Email: sboyer@bryant.edu

Kathy Stickel
Logistics Coordinator, Northeast Intercollegiate Sales Competition
(401) 232-6000 ext. 20922
Email: kstickel@bryant.edu

Follow NISC on Social Media
@NISC_Bryant Twitter
NISC on Facebook

“By showcasing the Northeast’s best companies and best students, the conference and competition put sales education in the spotlight.”

Dr. Stefanie Boyer
Director, NISC
Bryant University

“NISC provided me with the confidence to be able to start my sales career. Not only is the competition a great way to prepare for a future in sales, but also an excellent networking opportunity. This event led me to where I am today.”

Abigail Labrie

Abigail Labrie
Bryant University